Friday, January 28, 2011


So many things going on lately. I'm surprised I have hair left on my head! I'm right in the middle of my own personal query war. Requests, rejections, revisions. A lot of "R" words... Never noticed that before. Anyhoo, I honestly don't know how I've made it this past month. So many highs and lows. I still don't have an agent, and I may not get one with this book, but I've been so happy to get some interest. It's been fun to share my work with different agents and to see what they liked and didn't like. Sometimes it feels like a punch in the gut, but usually I'm grateful for the feedback.
In other news, my baby boy turned six this week. SIX! He's actually my oldest, and I can't believe I have a six year old! My daughter turns 4 next week, and my baby has her first birthday in a few weeks. Crazy how fast time flies.
I've been keeping myself busy with a new WIP. I think I posted a picture of my scary fire villian a few months ago. I can honestly say, I'm loving my book so far. It's gotten me to stop stressing out about my book out to agents. I've set a goal to write 1600 words a night in order to finish my WIP in a month. The first draft at least. I want to get it ready to query around summertime. I sort of wanted to pitch it at the LDS Storymakers Conference, but I'm not sure I can go anymore. But, I'm staying positive, and am plugging along. There's always next year right?:) I'm going to change it up on this poor little blog in the next few weeks. I want to do more author interviews and post some success stories for everyone to read. That is my favorite part about hearing someone who got signed. I LOVE the query stats and things. It's so awesome. Anyway, hopefully the two of you that read my blog will stick around! I'll try to do better posting! :)


Melanie Jacobson said...

Keep trucking!

That's how anyone gets anywhere, you know?