I was actually going to do an update on my 50k goal. I am at 27k on BOUND. Holla!! Seriously. This is fantastical news.This wasn't the book I was going to work on, but I had some amazing new ideas strike me and it's taking off faster than I ever thought possible. Now, it's still a first draft, so it sucks rocks, but I'm loving it so far. Can't wait to finish and start revising! WOOT! I'm not revising or editing until I'm done. Completely done. This is a huge challenge for me, so wish me luck.
How are your 50k's coming? Anyone want to share their goals and progress? :)
I'm at just over 40k with my BuNoWriMo stuff. So got about 1k to write per day...but gonna have to squeeze a fair bit of that into the weekend.
Ooh, congrats on making it more than half way! I, ah, haven't really started writing... I'm still in the planning stage, haha. I'm blogging my progress at http://wistfullylinda.blogspot.com if you care to follow along. It will be ages before I start writing, but I'm also looking forward to revision - I think it'll be fun! (I'm pretty sure future me will want to throttle current me for having ever thought that. :P)
Anyway, best of luck for completing your goal, and for saving all the editing til the end. :)
(P.S. I didn't think your other post was dumb at all!)
Good job! You're going to be my inspiration because right now, I'm not even close =)
You're amazing. :)
Great job! I'm diving into revisions Woot woot!
I've got 1500 words written, but if I write 1500 words a day, I should be finished by the end of July, so I'm hopeful.
Congrats on your word count.
Woohoo! Great news. Good luck as you forge on. Resist the editor!
I don't know where I'm at exactly because a good chunk is still in my notebook. But I hope I can make my new goal of finishing first draft by Aug. 15th! We'll see.. Yay for Bound! I read your pages last night and I NEED more! :D
Woot!! That's awesome. Go Go Go!! :)
Oooh, congrats! 25k is always a huge deal for me, and 50k is even better. :)
The first section was awesome! :D
Congrats!!! Keep it going! I'm at about 40K on my WIP. I'm hoping to have the first draft done and at least edited once by the end of the year. I know, it's a long way out, but with the little time I have, I'm just not that sure or myself yet :)
Go Girl Go! That's a great idea to get the story down and all those fantastic ideas you're thinking of before you edit or revise it. I can't wait to read it in our critique group!
@Stephanie McGee Thanks!! :D
@Trisha Yay! Awesome! Don't you love seeing that finish line? Seriously. I love finishing. Revising is my favorite thing to do! :)
@linda Thank you Linda! You're sweet! ;) Good luck on the planning stage. It's hard, but worth it to know where you're going with your story!
@Sierra Gardner Thanks!! :D
@Robin Weeks Ha! Funny. Not amazing. Just trying to get er done! ;)
@Kerri Cuev Yay! I love revisions time. Seriously. My favorite part of writing. :)
@Patti Go, Patti! You can do it!
@Ruth Josse Thanks, Ruth!
@Katie Dodge You'd better get on that, Katie. I must read it!!
@Kasie West Thanks, Kasie! :D
@Michelle Davidson Argyle Me too, Michelle. I always have a little writing slump right before I hit 25k. I'm over it now! Woot!
@Jolene Perry Thanks, Jolene!! :D
@L.J. Oh, man. I hear you about having little time. It's so hard sometimes. Good luck!!
@Brenda Sills Thanks Brenda! :D
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