1- Do you think you're hot?
Uh... is this a trick question? I'm not going to go into all the reasons I don't think I'm hot, but I do like my eyes. :) And if I took this question the other way I'd say I'm sitting in my shorts and t-shirt and I'm freaking freezing right now!! ;)
2- Upload a picture or wallpaper you are using at the moment.

Epic. Need I say more?
3- When was the last time you ate chicken?
Last night we had chicken alfredo with texas toast. Yum!
4-The song(s) you listened to recently.
I listen to a lot of stuff every day. Most recent? The Tangled soundtrack with my kids, and Foo Fighters new album. Love.
5-What were you thinking about as you were doing this?
Can't really think. My kids are watching Backyardigans. I may or may not be singing along...
6-Do you have nicknames? What are they?
Crap. I have a lot. My family and friends call me Chan. My friends from high school call me Channywax. (Long story.) My family calls me Channy sometimes. Hubby calls me, Babe. Brother calls me Jackie. And I get called Mommy. A lot.
7-Tag some friends:
I'm going to be a party pooper. I usually don't do these meme things, mainly because I don't want to leave anyone out. So, consider yourselves tagged. :)
Have a good weekend everyone! Have a Happy Fathers Day all you dads out there! And everyone working on your 50k's, I want to hear about some major writing! Keep me updated! "See" you next week!
Channywax huh? That's a great nickname. I have many nicknames too. My least favorite is Gonzo... Who wants to be named after a hairy blue Muppet with a long hook nose. Not me.
LOL--I totally cheated the last time I got an award. Gave it to everyone in my blogroll. :)
Channy...I kind of love this. Also it makes me think of tranny...as in transmission. But now I'm thinking of tranny...as in transvestite...okay this comment is going downhill fast so...
Fun post! :)
Some fun tidbits there:) Jackie seems sort of random. Middle name? Sometimes I rue the day my kids learned to say mommy. Actually my older kids have transitioned to mom and it might be worse.
I just watched the newest HP trailer. LOVE.
LOVE the wallpaper. Just a few more weeks to go! Channywax is so fun and it sounds like it could be a good story!
Fun answers! I love the new Foo Fighter's album. I really want to see them in concert - just three days before my birthday - but I have a mandatory dance performance. (Fudge nuggets.) Chicken Alfredo and Texas toast is my favorite meal. (I'm just a loser and pick out the chicken.) ;)
Fun answers! Have a good weekend.
Awesome wallpaper! I totally listen to the tangled soundtrack more than once a day and I would definitely be singing along with the backyardigans. I LOVE their singing and dancing. No shame here :)
Hi Chantele! So because you exude overall coolness, I'm awarding you The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. There are rules in accepting this, so be sure to check out my blog to view them. Have a great day, and keep on listening to the Foo Fighters; it can only bring good into your life. ;)
Hey, stranger! How did I miss this post?! And I have to agree that the nickname Jackie is random. :)
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