I read a post today by Nathan Bransford about blogging slowing down. You can check it out here. Does anyone else see this as well? I've noticed it for a while. Not a lot of people comment on blogs anymore. I read blogs, but with my limited time, I skip commenting. Which makes me feel horrible, but I don't have time to comment everywhere anymore. I've seen a lot of big time bloggers who don't blog anymore or blog once or twice a month. Does having a blog even matter now?
This social media thing changes so fast. I'm on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, but I don't use Twitter nearly enough. I do like it though. But I wonder when those are going to stop trending as well.
I think it's sad that blogs are sort of on the way out. I've met so many wonderful people through blogging, but I'll admit I don't have time to keep up with it as much as I used to. I think it's because I used to waste so much time thinking of something to post, when I could have been writing. And there are so many useful blogs about writing, that I don't want to post anything because it has already been posted somewhere else. Know what I mean?
What do you guys think? Is blogging on its way out? Are you a fan of Twitter or Facebook? Thoughts?
I don't know about the big picture but I do see that the people in my circle are getting a little burnt out. Or maybe just busy. I have certain blogs that I keep up with but they are also the people I'm Facebook and Twitter friends with. So if I don't read their blog post I still know what's going on in their life. But in general, I just don't have time to read hundreds of blogs anymore.
I've seen the burn-out as well. I don't have as much time to comment either, especially with a newborn at home. I still enjoy it, though! And while I've seen some bloggers slowing down, some are at it more than ever. I've seen a huge increase in agent-judged contests in the past year and wonder if agents are increasingly getting clients through blog-hosted slushpiles.
Jess, I've noticed the agent judged contests as well, which is awesome! I hope they keep it up!
I find that adding comments to a blog can take a lot more time than I have available. However, I don't think blogs are going to go out of fashion. Good blog articles show up in searches and can provide valuable information.
Blogs that merely tout contests and shout "buy me" to readers are not the types of blogs most people enjoy. People want stories and slice-of-life vignettes. Those are the blogs that endure.
Of course, that's my personal opinion. But I've made some new friends through blogs. It's been fun.
I'm just coming back from a burn out. I'm refreshed!!
There sadly has been a bit of a burn-out. I don't really like social media as much, because you can write and interact less (honestly), but it does seem to be growing. I think that Twitter, etc. will die out in the next few years, because people get sick of social media quickly. There is always something new. I guess the thing is just to work on what you like best. There will always be someone on blogs, Twitter, etc, no matter what the trend.
I haven't been part of the writing blogging community for very long but I have noticed a decline in blogging. I do agree with others that it's hard to find time to blog and also comment on others' blogs, and still have time to write. I'm not the best at blogging myself but I certainly enjoy getting to know other writers or about writing through reading blogs.
Blogging is definitely down. It has to do with a lot of people writing about the same thing (which kind of gets old). In the end, it will always be actual content that drives any website. I always find my content at places like Reddit or Gawker or places like that. So basically, blogger is waaayy behind the times. Anything any of us can come up with on blogger is old news.
I've definitely noticed it. And i'm guilty of it. i'm not burnt out, more just tired and sick. WIth it being the new year I wonder if more people are focusing on writing and querying more so than blogging? Who knows. I still enjoy it and i like reading other blogs as well.
I totally agree with you. I've seen it, too. It does make me sad, and it means that I may have to venture onto Twitter or something scary. (Yes, I'm a teenager afraid of Twitter.) ;) I guess in the end, writers just have to go with the flow. We'll always be there for each other, through blogs or other social media.
Yeah, I've definitely noticed this too. I think a lot of people realize they spend more time blogging than writing and they're trying to do the opposite. I miss blogging more and miss everyone who blogged more, but --- I understand it too. :)
Me and a friend were just talking about this the other day. Blogging has definitely died down, which is kind of sad, because like you said, I got to know a lot of people, who have now kind of disappeared. I like facebook but don't really like twitter. Although maybe I haven't really given it a chance.
Chantele, I saw your blog post on Goodreads. Anymore, I'm not out visiting blogs. In fact, I stopped my own author blog back in December and have yet to return. I miss the people I've connected with, but I'm so much more productive without the blogging. So, to answer your question, yes: I think blogging may be on its way out or in need of major change.
Yup, I've definitely seen the burn-out and struggled with the comments vs. time thing myself. I don't know that blogs will go away, but I think people are realizing their expectations need to shift.
Sometimes, I wish the blogosphere would issue a collective proclamation that says "Posting once a week is totally fine, because it's honestly all any of use can handle anyway." :)
*Us. :)
I still read blogs, when I can, mostly when I should be working at work. ;)
But I can't bring myself to blog in my own blog. I just don't want to. I don't have much to say and I'm usually too tired to think of anything to blog about. *shrugs* I'm glad some people are still at it though.
I got major blogging burn out last year. But, in blogging's defense, I got burned out on ALL social media because life got so crazy.
I love my blog, but I kind of had to take a step back and not let it stress me out. Blog when I have something to say. Blog to connect with other writers.
I mostly use FB for friends and family. Twitter is hugely overwhelming to me. I'm on there and I check it out about twice a week, but I don't know what to do with it.
I've cut down my blogging considerably. I still think it is one of the best social media ways to really get to know people, but it is also by far the most time consuming. And that is why I've had to cut back. I just don't have as much time as I used to :( Makes me sad.
Oh, and I will admit that the new captcha on people's blogs keeps me from commenting.
I think it will boil down to the purpose of the blog. If it's to only build a platform and sell a book...it will get tired (to you and readers) quickly.
I enjoy blogging. I read blogs I want to read and comment when I feel like it. Same with posting, I post when I feel like it, about what I feel like posting. I like the interaction and to me, it's still a good way to reach readers.
Though it's funny, the readers who read my blog comment to my email account...writers hit you in the comment box. I just think that's funny. But maybe it's because only bloggers have user profiles. Guess that makes sense.
Yeah, I don't get many comments on posts these days. I used to care. I used to want to quit my blog, but then I turned comments off for seven months and started blogging just for ME and my whole outlook on blogging completely changed. I don't blog to get validation anymore. It's a wonderful kind of freedom. :)
I don't blog much anymore either. Good to know I'm just following the trends:)
Chantele, I've been doing quite a bit of research on this subject this week, so it's very interesting that you're bringing it up as well. I've been reading that one of the most effective ways to market anything online is through content marketing. You provide content that other people want to read about, and they will (hopefully)come to your website and see your book/product. If the information you enlighten them with is amazing enough they might even link your page to their Facebook or Twitter. They say to pick a topic and become the authority on that and people will want to hear what you have to say.
That's all well and good, but honestly, I just want to write YA fiction. It's my love, my passion! It makes me excited to wake up in the morning because I know that I if I finish my housework quickly enough, then I will get to work on my book. It's kind of like Cinderella hoping to go to the ball.
Everything has slowed down since I had my fourth baby. I just don't have the time to blog AND write. And how can I have a writing blog when I'm not writing?
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