Oh, contemporary. Where have you been all my reading life? I'm a huge fan of anything fantasy. And I mean HUGE. I read it, write it, dream about it ... you get it. So when I got an idea for my contemporary, I had no idea what to do about it. I don't write contemporary. Never have. But I jumped in with both feet and started writing.
I started my book on December 1st. I finished it January 29th. Pretty sure this is the fastest book I've ever written.
And honestly? I loved writing it. I loved the setting, the characters, and the story. It's pretty light, but deals with grief and some tough things, but it's full of hope. I don't know if it's what the market is looking for, but I wrote what was in my heart and that's all that matters. :)
I have another contemporary I'm starting. Call me crazy, but I think I'm in love.
Have you written outside your usual genre? Did you stick with it?
I adore contemporary, always have. :) Did you get my email about your book?
i think it's great to write different genres rather than just one, it helps us to be stronger writers and it's fun.
I usual write contemporary, I'm having a try at fantasy. I like it (:
Contemporary can be fun. I have a short story releasing tomorrow that was contemporary, and very fun to write, but it's not my normal genre.
Probably the biggest "change" in what I've written has been dystopia. I've never been a huge fan, but I just finished a Dystopia, and I loved it. I definitely plan to write more.
Best wishes concerning the book!
That's awesome! I've written in three different genres and I definitely like two of them much better than the one I started out in. :)
Awesome to hear how quickly you wrote! I usually just write what I feel, see how far that gets, and if it makes a novel, cool. If not...well at least I can say I Wrote something that week :)
Same thing happened to me. All I thought I'd ever write was fantasy. Now I'm in love with contemporary. ;)
I really enjoyed your blog thanks for sharing.
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