Friday, June 14, 2013

Sports, obsessions and embarrassing talents ...

Here are a few more things you may not know about me. Fair warning, some are ridiculous... Ha ha ha. ;)

*I'm a HUGE fan of sports. I was on a softball comp team when I was younger and loved it. Second base was my preferred position. I even got chosen to play on an All-Star team. That was fun. :) I also played soccer for years and years. Our team was undefeated every year. I was right forward. Loved it. I wish I still played, but alas. Maybe when the kids get older.

*I was in the show choir in high school. It was actually pretty fun. I made my best guy friend dress up as a girl in a hula skirt and sang Honey Bun to him from South Pacific at our showcase. It was awesome! And hilarious. Not sure if he's ever forgiven me ... Ha ha ha.

*For a talent show when I was younger I was supposed to play the piano. Instead, to my Mom's horror, I got up and did the Woody Woodpecker laugh in front of the whole 3rd grade. Pretty sure she wanted to die. Ha ha ha. (I was totally awesome at it. I wish I could still do it...) I can do the Sponge Bob laugh too. Maybe I should be a voice in an animated film! ;)

*When I was little I was obsessed with horses. Like I had pictures on my walls, stuffed animals, little figurines. OBSESSED. I wanted my parents to buy me a horse SO bad, but it never happened. Which is probably good because I don't think it would have fit in our backyard ... I would play horses with my siblings and run like a horse down the hall. (Yes, I know. I was weird.) My sister claimed she loved horses too and I'd always tell her I loved them more because I was older. (Obviously I didn't sugar coat things...Ha ha. Don't worry, we're best friends still. :) I still don't have my dream horse, but that's okay. Maybe I'll write a book about one instead ...

Any hidden obsessions or embarrassing talent show moments you want to share? ;)


Jennie Bennett said...

OMGosh your talent show story is the best thing I've ever heard! It must've taken some guts to do that. I think I love you like 50 million times more now :D

Chakell Herbert said...

Well, I fell down the stairs at my Piano recital... I can school anyone in a burping contest, I beat an entire group of friends at driving on the golf course, and I can pick up a pool ball with one foot. :)

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Jennie: Yes, it was an interesting day to say the least ... Ha ha ha! :)

Chakell: I'd like to hear your Woody Woodpecker laugh! ;) And when you fell down the stairs ... Oh, man. THAT was hilarious.

Michelle Merrill said...

Just read through your other posts as well as this one. And...why don't we live closer? Seriously, I can't stress this enough. I'm reading your info and thinking, "Did she hack my brain and steal my talents?"

Haha, except I don't play the harp. I'm not sure I've ever touched one. And I love grass.

But, I sang in show choir, played softball and soccer, can play a song on the piano (kind of)...but not hymns (what's with those??), and I played the flute for three years.

You're officially my long lost twin. We need to hang out. I'm coming down soon. Let's make it happen this time!

Crystal Collier said...

LOL. I wanted a horse too, but it had to be the variety with a horn. =) Those mythical creatures are what prompted me to start drawing, and drawing led to all the other fine arts in my life--so thank you horses everywhere!

Brittany said...

I'd like to hear your Woody Woodpecker laugh too! How have I known you this long and never heard that story? Ha ha!

Peggy Eddleman said...

You are made of awesome, Chantele!

In fifth grade, I did stand up comedy for my talent, and I was chosen to perform in the school talent show (because there was only ONE other contestant-- someone who plaed Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater with two fingers). My performance was... unforgettable. ;)

Heidi Timmons said...

Happy Birthday! I love horses too! I never wanted to play with dolls, only ponies :) I had horses until I was 10 years old & I've wanted them again ever since. Your book sounds interesting!

Rebecca Lamoreaux said...

In second grade I finally figured out how to wink with one eye and then the other - back and forth. It was a trick my dad always did. So for our final musical class performance, I spent the entire time singing and winking at my dad. Afterward everyone came up to tell my parents that I made the whole thing so much more entertaining. But since I was only 7 I never realized anyone but my dad could see me winking, first one eye, then the other, back and forth all performance.

Trisha said...

Most girls at my primary school were obsessed with horses, and it sort of rubbed off on me - I love them but I'm not sure I was ever GENUINELY obsessed - I think I was just copying the other girls. ;)

Carol Riggs said...

Cool that you played sports; I was always sports-challenged and got B's in PE (which ruined my straight A's)--except for one semester when we did a medley of gymnastics, archery, and softball. Then I got an A! :) LOL on the Honey Bun bit!! I bet that WAS awesome and hilarious (love that song/show). I never did a talent show because I was so shy, so nothing to report there. :P