Tuesday, August 20, 2013

On "Being Good Enough".

I just read a post on Shannon Messenger's blog, which has described how I've been feeling lately.

Like I'll never be good enough. That no one will ever publish me again because my writing sucks. Or I'm not active enough online.

I know I have a book published, but my writing journey is still beginning. I know how it feels to want something so bad only to be disappointed when it doesn't happen. I've queried four different books. I left my former agent and had to start from scratch to find a new one. I've been rejected hundreds of times. I had a book go on submission and not sell.

I've been there. It sucks. I know how it feels to want to throw in the towel. I still feel that way sometimes. A book deal with a big publisher would be AWESOME. But things take time. And they happen when they're supposed to. When the timing is right and all the stars align. :)

We ARE good enough. And we each have our own unique journey's. Some are hard, some are easy, some are in between. But we all have them. So, go read this post. It's awesome. And if you're having a hard time and you're thinking about giving up, don't do it. You're not alone.


Brandon Ax said...

We are writers because not writing would make life, less.

You are right, we are not alone and we all have to struggle for our dreams.

Melanie said...

Very awesome post, just the reminder I needed. We are good enough. It's a way we can believe in ourselves. We are good enough. :)

Kimi Flores said...

<3 this. Thank you for the reminder :)

Mark Koopmans said...

Hey Chantelle,

Thanks for sharing - and for sharing :)

Yes, it is a bit of a crazy journey, isn't it!

But, I wouldn't want it any other way... for at least I'll never have to say, "Ah man, I should have tried to be a writer..."

ELAdams said...

I needed this. It can often be frustrating, but I keep reminding myself that I'm learning all the time, even when I feel like I can't match my own, or others' standards. But you're right - we're not alone, and everyone feels like this sometimes! :)

Luanne G. Smith said...

Yep, been feeling some of that myself lately. It's such a slog. I quit writing at least four times a year. But for some reason I always come back to it. :)

Neurotic Workaholic said...

I think the fact that you kept writing even after all those rejections shows how dedicated you are to your writing; it shows that you are more than good enough. But I know how you feel; sometimes it's hard not to feel like I'm not good enough, which makes it really hard for me to focus on the work I'm doing and just get it done.

Morgan said...

Oh Chantele, we need to chat more. Seriously. I need to have this talk EVERY DAY... I absolutely feel this way ALL THE TIME. It's so hard. So, so, SO hard. And the journey is so long.

Thank you for this post. <3

Emily R. King said...

I have these thoughts every day. You are good enough...and some day I hope to be. LOL!

Hey, I'm getting there! :)

Unknown said...

I love the stories of famous writers who went through layers of rejections and 4 or 5 manuscripts before finding the book that "made them". Not because I cheer on their failures, but because I know this is the journey we chose and most of us will also walk. We're in good company.

Kelley Lynn said...

OH man. This is SO true. This business is all about waiting. And it sucks. But if we stick with it, we ARE good enough.

Shallee said...

I so know how this feels. I've been feeling it a lot lately. Thanks for the pick me up. *hugs*

Cortney Pearson said...

I love this!! You're so right--it's definitely all about TIMING!! Learning to be patient, because there's definitely a lot of waiting and heartaches in this business! Go you!! :D

Raquel Byrnes said...

Super encouraging...just what the doctor ordered. :) Thanks!
Edge of Your Seat Romance