Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm giving away a book on my book blog! Check it out!;) You can get to my book blog by clicking here.

I hope everyone is doing well, and finding time to write! I am definitely getting a lot done lately! Hopefully I can be finished with my current project at the end of the summer. It wouldn't hurt to be done before then either, since I have plenty of other projects that I am just itching to start...;)


Kasie West said...

That's my goal too: To be done with my writing projects by the end of the summer. There. I wrote it down. Now I must do it.

Patti said...

I would like to be done my current WIP by September 1st and on to other stuff.

Unknown said...

You can do it! *jumping up and down with pom poms*

(Everyone needs a cheerleader, IMO.)