Thursday, July 9, 2009

Early morning miracles

This morning I woke up at 6:00, since my hubby had to go to work early, and I couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and sat down at the computer with a goal in mind. Finish my first draft. My kids, thankfully, slept in until around 9:00, which never happens, so I had three hours of uninterrupted writing time. Which, also never happens.:) Well, guess what!!?? I finished this morning! Woo hoo!!! That was my goal for July, in the Tristi Pinkston challenge! I am now challenging myself to edit, edit, edit, and hopefully be finished with the entire story by August! I'm going to edit and revise one chapter a night, until I'm finished, and then have a few people read it, and hopefully figure out my query letter. **shudder** Anyway, I thought I would share, since I was doing my little **happy dance** by myself this morning! I hope all of your projects are going well!