Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weird Word Wednesday ... sort of.

You know what word I think is weird? Blindfold. Really? It sort of makes sense, since you put them on your eyes and you are basically blind, but where does the fold come in? Isn't it a knot? I guess it depends on the size of said blindfold. Sometimes you fold them in half. Sometimes they are too thin. Meh. Still doesn't make sense to me. They should just be called "eye covers". Since that's what they do. They cover your eyes. :P
He he. If this girl knew just how ridiculous she looked. Isn't it funny how we put our hands straight out in front of us when we have "eye covers" on? Like zombies. Only, we don't kill people. Or eat brains...

 I realize this is not my average weird word Wednesday, but I couldn't help myself. Anyone have any "normal" words that you think are weird? I'd love to hear em'! :)


Anonymous said...

I always think it's funny when you say a word over and over, and it starts to sound funny. Like if you say car wash quickly, it kinda sounds like carwasha or something. . .

Trisha said...

Hehe, I love that you (and others) think this way...makes me feel less of a solitary word nerd! :) I was thinking about a really weird word the other day (it was a perfectly ordinary word that suddenly struck me as weird) but then I got distracted by a funny first name I saw in my library's database - Polycarp!! Yes, that was a guy's first name...

E. M. Prokop said...

Yeah. The words kind of meld into each other if you say them over and over...they start to sound like one word.. 'Spatula', 'granular'...those are words I think are weird...I like the idea of 'eye-covers' instead of 'blindfold'....or little blankets for your eyes.

Stephanie McGee said...

ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: alteration, by association with fold 1 , of blindfeld, past participle of obsolete blindfell [strike blind, blindfold,] from Old English geblindfellan (see blind , fell 2

According to the dictionary app on my computer, that's why it's "fold."

Weird words. Sanguinary. Splurge.

Maggie said...

So many strange words out there and now my mind has gone blank.
Oh I know a new one I've been hearing: gropple. I don't know if I spelled that right. This gropple isn't like a lazy way to say the wrestling term grapple. Oh no, this is a new word the weather lady says ALL THE TIME. She said it's a mix of snow/rain/hail. Really? Did a new weather term just crop up or did she make it up?

Stacy Henrie said...

I can't think of a word right now, but you know those times when you say or think a word over and over and it starts to sound weird. :) Or sometimes I'll blank on how to spell a word I've spelled numerous times before.

Ruth said...

I love when you've said a word all your life and it suddenly makes sense. I remember my husband saying, "Upside down! The up side is down!" Never occured to him.

Philip Siegel said...

I find the word 'cupboard' weird. We pronouce it 'cubbard' not 'cup board.' I wonder if Noah Webster was a little drunk when he was entering the word into the dictionary for the first time. "Thiiissh is uhh cupbbburd.' *falls down*