Aaagggghhh!! Today is the day!! :D :D :D My book is officially out in the wild! In paperback and on Kindle! And what tops it off? My sister had her baby boy today!!! Congratulations to her!!!!
To celebrate, I'm doing a giveaway! Check it out below. It will go for a week and I'll announce the winners next Thursday! Thank you SO much for all of your support! I have the best blogging friends ever!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You can actually buy my book!
Amazon Kindle
Barnes and Noble
*All you Nook owners, it doesn't come out on Nook for a few months. I'll let you know when it does! :D
YAY! Congratulations! Your book is very much next on my reading list! :D
Congrats to your sister, and to you on having a new nephew! :D
Oh my goodness! What an awesome day, Chantele! Also a very convenient way to remember both birthdays (baby and book). :) Wishing health and happiness for your new family member, and much success for your book.
Congratulations Chantele!!! I'm sooo happy for you and can't wait to read your beautiful book! Now, I'm going to go tweet about it.
Yay, congratulations to both you and your sister! I'm really looking forward to reading your book!
And let's see, if I had three wishes... health and happiness for everyone I care about (yeah, I know, not too broad a wish there), the ability to influence government, and the money to set up a decent literacy program.
My copy is on its way to my house! I wish I was there so you could sign it :)
Congrats, Chantele!
So excited for you, happy day!
Congratulations Channy! I am so happy for you and Chaleese! And I love you both! I really loved loved loved your book and have been telling everyone about it! I cannot wait to get my book in the mail!
Woohoo, Chantele! So excited! Best of luck to you and NOT YOUR AVERAGE FAIRY TALE!
Oh, and I'm supposed to tell you what I would do with three wishes. First, I would wish for a self-cleaning house, and then...I'd give the other wishes to someone else. I just really want that self-cleaning house! :)
Congrats, Chantele! I'm so happy for you!
I'm so looking forward to reading your book! Even my 13-year-old son is excited for it! My 3 wishes would be to 1) never physically hurt another day in my life, 2) Be able to remember all those good things that I've forgotten and cannot ever seem to remember, 3) Enough money that I would never have to work (at a job) another day in my life and just enjoy being a mom to my kids.
So excited for you Chantele! My three wishes would be:
-healthy kids forever
-not have to worry about money, just have enough
-home improvement projects done!
Congratulations! :D
Congrats, Chantele!!!!
I've had this book on my radar for a bit now! Congrats. What a great day. :D
I should really learn to follow directions. Well first wish, a copy of this book. ;) Second, an agent. Third, a girl to join my three boys. :D
Congrats on the book and Congrats to your sister!
Congrats! So exciting that you have a book out!
Oh, I suppose to list three, currently I'm wishing for a house, my parents to get home from their mission, and for my family to be happy.
Oh yay!!! Congrats, babe!
I wish that pregnancy only lasted two minutes from conception to birth. Wam, bam, pop! There's your baby.
I also wish cheesecake was free and available on command. Nom Nom. :)
Congratulations! *does the happy dance for you and throws some confetti
So excited for this book - I had seen a review a couple of weeks ago and got excited and tried to find it - no luck until I looked at lds publisher - and followed the link! Wish 1 - for my family to find a great job and move (if we need to) before my senior year of high school starts in under a month! Wish 2 - a decent or better than decent library - nearby! Wish 3 - acceptance into BYU Provo with scholarships for my best friend and I!
three wishes??? Wow. Well, I would love to get an agent, that would be awesome. I would love to have my dream house with a library just like Belle's from Beauty and the Beast, and for my third wish I would love to have my children's futures be provided for. You know, not have them worry about paying for college and stuff.
Happy! I can't wait to read it :)
Congrats! *happy dance*
Oh, and my three wishes? hrmmmm....
1. I wish kids had mute buttons.
2. I wish I had a maid
3. I wish I had more sleep (I love sleep) :)
Congratulations!! This book looks like so much fun!
As for wishes, I would love to have an actual bag of holding to store all of my books in. Think of how much free space I'd have in all my rooms! #2 would be an endless supply of to-die-for delicious desserts that are actually healthy for you. For #3 I guess I should wish for something practical, like a job for my husband when he finishes graduate school.
I'm so excited for you!! I wish that everything goes great for you with your first book! And...I wish that my baby would let me sleep a long time tonight, and for a really big piece of chocolate. :)
I want to have the power in my snaps that Mary Poppins did in hers, want to stop time when I'm really working on something I feel passionate about (writing!), and have all my writer friends up and move to Cedar :)
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!!
That sounds so awesome! I bet today can't get much better, can it? (: Happy for you!
I'm so excited for you, Chantele! I can't wait to get my copy. My three wishes:
1. A time turner
2. Unlimited books
3. The ability to fly.
I'm so excited! Thank you for the contest!! :)
My three wishes would be:
1. To read minds
2. To live forever
3. Unlimited amounts of money so that I can help those in need
AWESOME! Today is the day!!! Congrats again Chan!
Congratulations! :) Woohoo!
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read it!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! SO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!! (And me because I get to read it :))
Congratulations! Can't wait to read it!
3 wishes? For my kids to be okay- nothing really bad to ever happen to them. Wish 2 and 3: an agent then publisher!
Congratulations! I'll definitely pick up a copy. :)
Congratulations! I would wish for a library like the one in Beauty and the Beast. Then I would wish for a Super Agent. I would leave the last wish for a "just incase" moment.
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
Congratulations! Happy book birthday, and happy nephew birthday. :)
I would wish for a job for my husband, for money to pay for my oldest kid's college (might as well ask for all my kids college money while I'm wishing), and for a library room to hold all the new books I want to buy!
Huge congrats!! I'm so happy for you!!!
As far as wishes... Time, my family to be genuinely happy, and a transporter. :)
Congratulations! And hmm three wishes. I'd love to be successful, for my family to be safe and for more money and time to read and enjoy life! Haha! :)
tomakunisnumberone at gmail dot com
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