Monday, December 3, 2012

"And You Are?"

 I decided to do the "And You Are?" blogfest at the last minute. I want to stay off Santa's naughtly list! :) Head over to Emily R. King's blog for details!

1. How many speeding tickets have you gotten?
Just one. I was going to pick up my date for a dance in high school. The policeman was going the other direction and turned around to pull me over. I was only going 5 over, but he gave me a ticket anyway. At the dance, everyone asked me if it was me that got pulled over, since it was in an area that everyone passes and I had a bright red minivan that was pretty easy to recognize. So I had to answer, yes. Yes it was. It was pretty awesome. :P

I talked myself out of another... ;)

2. Can you pitch a tent?

I've never really tried, but if I had instructions I could do it. Which would probably never happen because I hate camping...

3. What was your worst vacation ever?

We went to a family reunion one year and camped in a tent for the first time ever. I think I was 15 or 16. It rained and poured all night long and we were all miserable. My little sister even woke up in a puddle. And yes, it was from the rain. :)

4. What was the last thing you bought over $100?

Tile. For our kitchen. We are in a huge mess right now. It's awesome.

5. We're handing you the keys to what?

A new minivan! I'm pretty sure I'll be driving one for the rest of my life. I have to have something to haul my kids AND my harp in.

6. What was the last meal you cooked that made even you sick?

I've never made anyone sick with my cooking. True story. :)

7. Fill in the blank: Oh my gosh! Becky, look at her butt! It is so big. She looks like a person who eats ice cream before bed every night. Lucky...

8. What was your first car?

A 1990 chevy astro van. AKA The Channywagon.

9. Your best friend falls and gets hurt. Do you ask if he/she's okay or laugh first?

My family is horrible I guess, because whenever one of us falls or something, we  laugh WHILE we ask if they're okay. Admit it. Falling is funny. I would feel bad if he/she got hurt, but I'm sure they'd laugh later as well.

10. What's the worst song ever?

You're having my baby by Paul Anka. I'm sure people love this song, but I think it's cheesy and annoying! My husband even went so far as to play it while I was in labor with my 4th baby. He thought he was pretty funny. And I'll admit I did laugh... :)


Elizabeth Seckman said...

I named my car too...the Shove-it. It was a Chevette and that seemed appropriate. Channywagon is way more personal.

Emily R. King said...

A mini van, really? Okay, I guess if it's for the harp... :)

I don't know that Paula Abdul song, but I'm not a fan of her singing, so that's probably why. Selective hearing, I guess.

Thanks for signing on!

Anonymous said...

Mini van? We need to work on your dream building :)

If my husband played any songs when I was having kids, I would have killed him as soon as I could feel my legs again.

Azara said...

You're the second person on the hop who's mentioned getting a ticket for going less than 10 over. I don't know where you guys live, but I need to avoid the area!

Visiting from the hop.

Patti said...

Your answer to the worst vacation is why I don't sleep in a tent anymore. And really there should be a 10% rule. You should be allowed to go 10% over without getting a ticket.

S.P. Bowers said...

Ooo, good luck on the floor remodel. It may be a mess now but it will be so nice when it's done!

Anonymous said...

Oh Paul Anka. Right up there with Neil Diamond in my book. Blech.

And about that fat butt comment-- but I LIKE ice cream! ;)

Jenny S. Morris said...

I'd laugh too. Don't feel bad. And they Channywagon!! Love it.

Jennie Bennett said...

You drove an Astro-van? That's hilarious! I can't believe you got a ticket for going 5 over. that's ridiculous! Funny story though. I'm totally having Ice Cream before bed tonight ;)

Tonja Drecker said...

How terrible to wake up in a puddle... as if camping in the rain isn't bad enough as it is.

Nicole said...

Ouch! After that camping trip, I can see why you're not too excited to try pitching a tent again. ;)

Kelley Lynn said...

I got my first ticket for seven over. Then there have been others for more... haha

Kaylee Baldwin said...

Oh no! I can't believe he gave you a ticket for 5 over! He was trying to make an example of you, no doubt.

And I named my first car Red Ninja (the irony was fantastic)

Jessie Humphries said...

You play the harp?!?! That is so cool!

Samantha May said...

I didn't know you played the harp! That's so cool!

There's nothing wrong with a minivan people! It's practical, okay?! :D

Your husband has a great sense of humor, and so do you!

Tammy Theriault said...

astro van? for shame!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I truly hate camping in the rain. It's miserable. Come to think of it, it's worse than the time I camped in a blizzard. Though that sucked royally, I tell you what. We had a fire ban going, so no fire...

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You play a harp? I don't think I've ever known anyone who played that instrument.

Leigh Covington said...

The Channywagon! Love it!

PK HREZO said...

Oh girl I feel your pain. We are undergoing construction too--got our house in shambles but it's all good!! Can't wait to have my old family room looking like a new room!!

Alex Villasante said...

The harp makes the mini van absolutely acceptable - and I secretly dream of a mini van too, though it kills my street cred - because really, kids=tooo much stuff!

Jolene Perry said...

Love :-D