Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A year in review

I can't believe 2012 is almost over. It's crazy. This year has been full of ups and downs for me. Mostly in my writing career. In my personal life, it's been pretty dang good. My new baby was the highlight for sure! :)

I was looking through my goals I made from January of this year and wanted to cross a few things off that I accomplished.  Let's take a look, shall we?

*1. Sell a book. Done. It didn't happen the way I thought it would, but it did happen. :)

2. Write 3 new books and polish at least two of them
. I actually only wrote one. I blame it on the pregnancy.

3. Go to two conferences.
Done and done! LTUE and Storymakers. Had. A. Blast!

4. Manage my time better. Eh. I could do better. And I will.

5. Be more patient. (HA!) Actually, I've accomplished this a little. This will definitely be on my goals again for next year though.

6. Read 50 books. I think I only read 20 or so books this year. Big fat fail. :(

7. Keep up my blog.
Haven't been very good at this either. Again, I blame the pregnancy.

8. Make new bloggy friends! :) THIS I'VE ACCOMPLISHED!!

Did you guys accomplish any goals from January?

Also, I'll be taking a break from now until the new year. I have some new goals and am going to make it a point to blog more. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!! See you next year! :D


Jenny S. Morris said...

I say you did pretty dang good this year! I need to pull up my list and see what I've accomplished this year too.

Have a great holiday season!

Ruth Josse said...

You forgot number 9. Be awesome. Done and done. Love ya!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I didn't have much of a goal list but am decently proud of this year's accomplishments. Next year I would like to buy a house, but I guess some of that depends on the outcome of the Fiscal Cliff. Things with the economy are making me a little nervous.

Anonymous said...

I thinking selling a book and writing another AND being pregnant is a huge accomplishment. You're my hero!

Jennie Bennett said...

I think you've done splendidly! And pregnancy really does take everything out of you. So great job!

Tasha Seegmiller said...

You have done awesome. The thing I like about New Year's that lots of people don't is I see it as a chance to try again. So you didn't read as much as you wanted. Try again. Did write as much? Try again. That's what makes goals fantastic.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

You did all of that pregnant...you deserve a medal!!

J E Fritz said...

Producing new life requires a lot of attention! I say you did great. I'm only about fifty-fifty with my goals.

Have a great new year :)

Unknown said...

I love your goals, can totally relate to most of those, especially the time management! I think I would like to post something similar...may over the Christmas break when my job life slows down a bit.

Carol Riggs said...

Enjoy your holiday break!! And I think you did really well with your goals. No one accomplishes 100%. You nailed some really important ones! :)

Kelley Lynn said...

Enjoy the break! 2012 was a pretty darn good year for me. Looking forward to 2013 :)

Rebecca Lamoreaux said...

That's pretty impressive - I don't even remember my goals for this year .... but I'm glad that I helped with number 8 :) I like being a new bloggy friend!
And just for fun, happy 12-12-12 to you today!

Kaylee Baldwin said...

Yeah, pregnancy and babies can really change things up, right? I'm impressed by how many goals you did get done. I'm going to have to add the conference goal to my list. That's a great idea.

Candice said...

I'd be proud of all you accomplished!

Are you going to LTUE again this year? Maybe I'll see you there.

Christine Rains said...

You've accomplished a lot! Pregnancy and babies do tend to take up all the good writing time. Hehehe! I've done half of my goals with some extras added in. So I'm pleased. Have a happy holiday season!

Nicole said...

That's quite the list of accomplishments! I did okay on my goals, though there's still some on the list to carry over to next year.

Mark Koopmans said...

Great job with the list, but I don't get the pregnancy thing...

(Only joking, we have three boys and I am in awe of my wife even wanting a second child :)

Kristin Baker said...

Oh, so many changes this year! I don't know if any of mine were goals to start with, but there were lots of positive changes. Finally making money writing - although not with fiction yet. Got into a cute, clean house - even though it's smaller and I don't really have friends here (yet). Got out of a bad situation into someplace really great and awesome. Yep - even though I'm not published yet, it's been a good year. :)

Dr.Murat Enoz, MD - ENT Doctor said...

Read Raedin of 50 books and writing 3 books in 1 year ...It's very difficult.
Merry Christmas
Burun Estetigi