Ilima Todd!
Shoot me an e-mail with your address and I'll get your book to ya! :)
I had an awesome birthday. I shared it with Father's Day this year, which I didn't mind too much. I have an amazing dad and hubby, so it was a party! One thing I discovered this weekend was my love for Duck Dynasty. I don't watch a lot of TV, but this is one I can't miss.
It's hilarious. And yes, I'm just barely getting into it because I thought it sounded SO weird.
I love how family oriented it is. I love how they are a close, if not crazy family. They all have different personalities and quirks. They get mad at each other, but forgive. They try new things together, make things work. And they respect each other.
My favorite character is Jace. I think he's so funny. He's kind of like a little kid, getting into trouble and all. And I love how he talks his brother Willie into doing things as well.
Si is hilarious too. He's so weird! Ha ha ha!
Anyway. I just thought I'd share my love for this show. It's funny, heartwarming, and awesome. Sometimes the food is a little ... interesting, but to each their own, right? :)
Do you guys watch that show? Have any other favorites shows you want to recommend? :)
Glad you enjoyed your Birthday by getting to celebrate Father's Day as well.
And I've heard a lot about Duck Dynasty. So many people go crazy talking about Si. That man has a seriously growing fan base.
Ooh yay. Thanks!
Jace is my favorite too. And Mountain Man, lol.
I've never seen that show but have heard it's quite entertaining.
My in-laws introduced us to Duck Dynasty and I love it!
I've never watched Duck Dynasty, though I couldn't help marveling at the cast members' long beards. I wonder how they eat soup without their beards getting in the way. (I don't know why I think these things.)
My husband loves Duck Dynasty. It's the redneck in him.
I'm glad you had a good birthday!
Same here! Well, not about the birthday...Happy Birthday BTW...but about Duck Dynasty. It sounded sort of, well, stupid. But my son started watching it and I'm hooked! What wonderful people, I love them!
Chantele--I don't get cable/satellite channels, so I'm stuck with the regular ones. However, I've gotten fond of "Castle" (late too, just this season) because he's a writer, and gets into predicaments because of his writing.
From the sounds of it, I better not watch an episode of Duck Dynasty or I'll get addicted...and then I'll be lookin' for a fix. ;)
Duck Dynasty is much loved in our household. It is an event each week when it airs. I love them all!
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