Friday, June 21, 2013

Things I'm Loving This Week

Wow. This week flew by. We've been busy with summer things and are having a blast. :) Here's a few things we've been up to.

1. Swimming lessons. I love watching my kids swim. They're doing so good and learning so much. The only problem with it is I have to refrain from jumping in the pool. I LOVE swimming. *sigh*

2. My little guy went to day camp for cub scouts on Monday. Can I tell you how hard it is for me to see him grow up? My oldest baby is eight! EIGHT! I'm getting old. He had a blast though and is learning so much.

3. It's so hard writing with a 9 month old crawling around and demanding my attention all day. And he's teething. Needless to say he's been 'super happy'. He's lucky he's cute... :)

4. I'm working on three different projects right now. Am I insane? Yes. It's definitely a possibility. I usually only work on one at a time, but you know. You gotta do what you gotta do. Do you guys write one or a few projects at a time? I'm curious if I really am insane or not ... It's not looking good ... ha ha ha. ;)

5. I've been reading A LOT lately. It feels good. I love reading and I've missed it the past few months. Any book recommendations for me? I'm a huge fan of YA. ;)

Have an awesome weekend! I won't be around much the next few weeks because of vacations and things. Which is good. It means I'm busy and I'm spending time with my sweet little family. I will pop back in occasionally to see how everyone is doing, but I'm taking a little summer break. Yay for summer! :)


ilima said...

I usually work on one or two, but this summer I'm working on FOUR projects. Yipes. So far it's okay. This Monday I'm taking our cubs to camp. Joy. :)

Unknown said...

I actually do better when I have a list of multiple projects to tackle. For some reason, it keeps me motivated. Then again, I don't have a 9-month old or small kiddos to keep me busy! You are an inspiration.

prerna pickett said...

i'm always working on multiple projects so you're not that crazy! And it's amazing how fast kids grow up!

Nick Wilford said...

I haven't taken my little one swimming for far too long. Thanks for the reminder! And the nursery gave us a sheet of summer kids' activities at the leisure centre, so no excuses!

Krista McLaughlin said...

3 different projects at the same time? Wow and I'm struggling with two at the same time. I'm impressed!

I love going swimming in the summer. I took one of my littles from work (9 month old girl) last week and it was lots of fun! Great to be in the water and hearing her laugh!

Enjoy your summer and vacation!

Emily R. King said...

Yay for reading a lot! Three different project is a lot, but hey, you can handle four kids! Three projects is nothing. :)

Morgan said...

Summer is so chaotic, isn't it? Gah. My oldest is 9 and it's freaking me out... it's SO WEIRD...

And YAY for reading a lot! I need to get on that. I told myself I'd read a ton this summer!!!

Crystal Collier said...

I know what you mean about your kid going off to day camp. Mine just came home from a week of scout camp, and boy was that weird!

Multiple projects are the spice of life. I think it's hard to love all of them equally at once, but if there's cross over of worlds, it's just too awesome.

Hope you're having an awesome vacation!

David P. King said...

I used to teach swim lessons, believe it or not. Strangely, it's been tough business teaching my own, but they'll paddle along in no time, I bet. :)