Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Musings

Do you ever feel like this?

I do. Whenever I have too much on my plate, I feel like laying down and sleeping my stress away. With three kids ages 5,3, and 5 months, and a hubby who works and goes to school full time, sometimes I just have too much to do. Between laundry, dishes, keeping the house relatively clean, and my kids fed and semi-clean..;) I just don't have any me time anymore. So, the past week or so, I've decided to take charge of my time. I joined a gym. I've been working out at 6:15 every morning, and then I come home and write until my kids get up. I can honestly say it's working, and I feel better about myself. Now, I am NOT a morning person, but it's making me be one, and I'm a happier person because of it. Not only do I feel better physically, but emotionally as well. My WIP is getting attention it really needs, and my kids have my undivided attention during the day. Anyway, I've finally figured out how to prioritize my writing, my kids, my life. And me and my hubby have found time to relax together after the kids go to bed, and I don't feel bad about writing and not paying attention to him anymore.
Anyway, Here's to new goals and new beginnings! ;) How do you prioritize your writing and your lives?