I've heard so many people who have raved about NaNoWriMo. Some, not so much. I've thought about it, but I don't know if I would be able to write every day and make the goal! I do have a story idea in the works, so maybe if I plot it out a little first, I'd be able to do it. I'm really excited about it, and since I'm nearly finished with my WIP, I'd like to put that away for a little bit and refocus on something else. NaNo sounds perfect for this. To focus on another book for a month, and then go back to my other one and start revising and editing.
So, the question is...to do it or not to do it? If I do it will I absolutely hate what I've written and throw it all away? Or will I love it and be so glad I did it.
Have you ever participated, and were you a winner?
If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, check it out here. :)
Yes, you should do it. Definitely. I've participated 4 years in a row and won twice, and I'm doing it again this year.
Here's the thing: even if it is a completely putrid pile of dog poo and the only thing it's good for is throwing it out and lighting a fire on it, you still have practiced writing in a different way and honed your craft.
Good luck!!!
That was seriously the funniest thing I've ever heard! Thanks for the vivid image in my mind! :)
I think I may have to do it just for that comment.
Nano's intense but I think it's a wonderful way to learn how to discipline yourself and to silence your inner editor. Mine takes the reins over way too much!
I've done NaNoWriMo two years in a row and won both.
The first time was with their Young Writers Program and my goal was 30k. I have now expanded on this idea and am doing a rewrite which will hopefully be much longer.
The second time I did the full thing and finished in two weeks. Right now I'm editing my first four chapters for a critique.
It was worth it to me.
P.S. I know this is late but I just love Nano. ^^
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