NaNoWriMo. It's kind of like a swear word to me. Ha ha. I admit it. I've started it two years in a row and I've never finished.
This year WILL be different! I'm finishing my sequel this month and starting on a new book for NaNo. The good thing is, I'm a pretty fast drafter now. I can type out a first draft in a few weeks. (If I have the time...)
So, anyone want to join me? My username is Chantele. I think.... :) We can cheer each other on and report back once a week on our progress next month!
My blog tour is still going strong. Stop by My Guilty Obsession for an awesome review of Not Your Average Fairy Tale! :)
I did NaNo once. I loved it (and won) but don't feel the need to do it again. I learned a lot and may do it in the future, but right now, I'm good.
NaNo overwhelms me. I've only written a book in a month once--but it was really a novella, so I don't know if that counts... Good luck!
I just added you (At least, I hope it was you...)!
I'm cheating and doing what I've decided to call NaNoPloMo. I want to plot and brainstorm for my next couple WIPs.
I know my schedule won't allow me to keep up on the actual writing word counts, but this way I still get to be productive. ;)
I've done it several years and never won. My problem this year is that is about the time I should be revising, but I may put it aside for that month and revise in December...thinking....
I've signed up and added you, even though I'm not totally sure I'm doing it yet lol!
I'm in again - username is FakeNameJane. I think we are still friends from last year?
I'm not so confident I'll finish, but it's definitely a good motivator :)
I have the jump on NaNo. I'm doing it now, so next month I'll start revisions. Good luck to you!
I'm still not that fast, but I am doing my own version. A novel in a hundred days. Starting in November. We'll see how it goes. Good luck to you!
i'm still a little on the fence about participating again this year, but i probably will. best of luck to you! i've buddied you. i'm jessicahill. :)
I'm still trying to decide. I'll be done with the draft of my first book so I might delve into another one before starting my revisions...I don't know. Gah! I go back and forth every year.
I am not doing it. I think if I ever get to work part time or stay home I will but my schedule just doesn't allow that intense writing time you need for NaNo. I wouldn't mind catching up with the Revmo gang though.
I won't be NaNoing this year. But I'll happily cheer you all on from the bloglinew. Woot!
Don't feel bad. Sometimes, it's hard to get into NaNo. This will be my fourth year, and it's still daunting for me. Head over to my blog for some tips, if you'd like; hopefully they'll help:
My username is Belle_Ange if you'd like to add me to your writing buddies. :)
Hope the tour is going good! :)
I am looking forward to trying it out. I am hoping to be done with my current WIP so I can start my MG in November and then revise the current one in December. We will see what happens though. November is going to be super crazy for me but I'm excited for some motivation.
I don't know. I think that I might and then I feel like my sanity is a little too precious. What the hey...I might see you. :)
I NaNoed last year but think I might take a break this all depends on how revisions are coming along by the end of October.
I love that Nanoing has become a verb like Facebooking. I love Nano. It really kicks my routine back into gear after a lazy summer.
I want to. It just depends on whether I get everything set for the project in time.
It's on my writing bucket list :P
I'll be cheering you on from the internet and from my house. *yells from across the country* Go Chantele!
I'll be doing it. Nothing to compare it to as it's my first year, and I'm trying a new genre (YA), and I'm starting a new job, but... yeah! Nothing like a challenge. :)
yup! NaNo for me too!
I've never done it...but I am a sucker for peer pressure, so since you said so...
I have never done NaNo before and will never do it. I could never get anything done in that period of time. I get way too distracted as it is and that would make it even worse! :(
I will be NaNoing, I'm pretty excited. And nervous. I need my muse to start screaming here pretty soon :)
I tried NaNo last year, it was a complete failure. It will be a revising month for me, or I was thinking of turning it into a read only month since it's been a while since I read a book.
I wish! but probably not, I have way to much on my plate next month!
I did it last year! (Its actually the book that is being published in March.) And I'm doing it again this year. We'll see what happens.
Good luck to you my dear!
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