Guess what? My book comes out in 2 1/2 weeks. Can we say crazy? I'm really so excited, but so, so nervous.
I wanted to talk a little about what it's like to actually have a book come out. I'm not quite there yet, but honestly I've felt so many emotions over the past few weeks. Both good and bad. Why don't we start with the good?
*Having a book out to the public is going to be awesome. It means people will actually be reading it. Which terrifies me, really, but it also means I fulfilled a dream! And when I look back at all the work I went through to get to this place, it feels good. I accomplished something a lot of people aren't able to. I'm proud of myself for hanging on enough to get this far.
*People might actually like my characters and pick up my next books. I'm crossing my fingers. :)
*I'll have a real book to hold in my hands. I don't think anything could compare to this moment. I ordered my books over the weekend and they should be here soon. I have goosebumps just thinking about it.
*People might enjoy the story. It's different and fun, and hopefully they'll be left wanting more.
Now, the bad. Oh, the bad.
*People might hate it.
I've thought about this happening ever since I started querying my book. You think I'd be used to rejection from querying, but no. I know people are going to trash my writing. I know some of them won't connect with my characters and possibly hate them. It makes me sad, but honestly, it's going to happen. And it's okay. I chose this career path and everything that comes with it. I'll hopefully have some people like my book, so it will balance the bad out. Maybe.
*Ranting reviews. We've all seen them on Goodreads. The ones where reviewers pick out every single thing wrong with the book, using quotes and everything. I respect reviewers, I really do. How else do we get our books out there? I know it will hurt if I read some of them though. I may stay away from any and all reviews until my book has been out for a while. I can take criticism, but not rudeness. Know what I mean?
*What if I can't get anything else published? I do have a sequel coming out next year, but what if I can't write anything else good enough to attract an agent or editor? That thought is always swimming around in my mind. No matter how many ideas I get.
What it all comes down to, is that I'm very happy where I'm at right now. I'm nervous, scared, excited, you name it. And that's normal I think. I'm sure it never goes away either. So, bring it on, I say. I wrote a book and loved it so much that I never gave up on it until someone else loved it too. And I think that's good enough for me. :)
Also, go enter to win my book on Goodreads! The contest goes until August 20th. ;) Hopefully that's the right link ...
The night before my launch, I couldn't sleep a wink. My gut knew, getting rejected by agents and editors would be a cake walk compared to getting rejected by readers. So far, it's all gone well, thank you God, and book two is under way.
I know you'll do fine. And when you do launch, count me in for a shout out or anything else I can do to help spread the word. :)
Yeah, that's right! Bring it on! You're ready for this and I'm so happy for you!!! Can't wait to get your book in my hands!! :D
I can not wait to read it! What an amazing accomplishment. Way to go for following your dreams. :)
So excited for you!
Just remember that even bad reviews serve to publicize your book--some people will read the negativity but still want to decide for themselves.
More people will love it than will hate it. Things you can do before then is make sure you get the good reviews loaded on Amazon and goodreads to pad against the angry one star troll.
Just think of it this way, the negative comments are probably from people who haven't written or published anything. You're so many steps ahead of a lot of people! Either way, I am so excited for you and I cannot wait until your book comes out :)
Honey, everyone is going to love you and you are going to have a gazillion books and be a millionaire, so there!
I can't imagine how anxious you must be. Congrats, it's getting close!
Such an exciting time. Enjoy every minute of it.
Oh, the emotional roller coaster that is this industry. Sigh.
Ditto and I'm no where near my release date. Hang in there because I think your list of good outweighs the bad.
Congrats again and *squeee* for you!
I can't believe it's almost here! WOW - that went fast! AND... you have nothing to worry about. Your book is amazing and fun!
Entered. :) Don't worry, Chantele. We're going to LOVE it!
...Or at least, I will. I have a shelved WIP about a male fairy godmother, so this is right up my alley. :)
How awesome! Don't worry about the trolls. It's going to be great.
People are going to love it! Enjoy!
What an amazing, exciting, scary, but mostly amazing time! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to read and review your book. Wasn't it only like a year ago, or less, that we were sending angsty DMs to each other on Twitter? And you are! Maybe, if I'm lucky, you'll even do a guest appearance on my blog?? (See how I' publicly asked so it's harder for you to say no)
Thanks, guys! And Rebecca, I'd be happy to! :)
So excited for you!!!! I've found that I can never tell myself people might hate my stuff. Now that I've been through this a few times, I know people WILL hate my stuff, and I will get bad reviews, and I will have a hard time. But I also know it's all going to be awesome and wonderful too! Because people WILL love my work - and I've found more will than won't. :)
Just enjoy it all! Worrying will get you nowhere. Just keep writing books. :)
I can so identify with all these emotions! :) Congrats again on your book - it's gonna rock!
I loved reading this!
And I'm so excited to hear how the rest goes! Best of luck with it all.
I started to second guess EVERY. SINGLE. DECISION I made in the Next Door Boys. Every one.
It was a little easier w/ Night Sky, and now I realize people say asinine things about a book like give it a lower rating b/c they didn't feel that the home-schooling wasn't portrayed accurately. *rolls eyes
So - yanno...
I think that we need to create a release-week support group for everyone putting their first book out into the wild.
Also - this book is WAY fun and fabulous :-D
Eek! This whole post terrifies me. So glad you're doing this first so you can give me to-do/not-to-do tips. :)
Congratulations, this must be so exciting! And don't worry, I'm sure it will be awesome :)!! Can't wait to keep an eye out for it!
First, I'm still so ecstatic about your book coming out. It's exciting traversing this path with you, though from very far way as just a blog follower. But your concerns are so valid I can't help but fret with you. I haven't read your novel, but as a fellow writer, I want you to have a successful break out. And I'm hoping your launch will far exceed your expectations.
You know I'm snagging a copy of this when it comes out, right? :)
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