Friday, April 26, 2013

Things I'm loving this week!

It's that time again! Things I've been loving this week! :)

1. I'm loving my agent this week. She's amazing and so supportive and knows her stuff. I'm so grateful to have her on my side. I still can't believe she's my agent.

2. My hubby is coming home today from a business trip! He's been gone since Monday morning, so we are SO excited for him to come home. The kids have been getting a "party" ready for him and making little welcome home signs. They're so funny.

3. My three year old has been sick this week and has been so cuddly. My older two aren't cuddlers anymore, so I have to get all the cuddles I can from my two youngest kids. I love it. I'm sad that she's been sick, but I've been loving having her close to me all week.

4. It's amazing how many people you can meet through blogging. I've met all of my crit partners/betas through blogging. Well, besides one. Katie Dodge and I have known each other for years. ;) But really. Get yourself out there and meet people. It will be the best thing you've ever done.

5. My kids only have four weeks left of school. Crazy. And exciting. We have a lot of fun adventures planned this summer!

Have a wonderful weekend!!:D


ilima said...

I'm loving my agent this week too. So amazing--I'd be completely lost without her!

Ru said...

Happy Friday! Oh man, little kid planned parties are the best :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Congratulations for finding the silver lining in so many things.

prerna pickett said...

It's always nice when my husband comes home after a work trip, and so relieving after being the kids all by myself with no one for support. And I wish my kids were more cuddly, they seem to grow out of it once they hit 18 months. Sads.

Crystal Collier said...

Ah, cuddles are the best! My youngest is the only one who cuddles with me too, and I'm dreading the day he grows out of it. I hope your welcome home party is a blast!

Unknown said...

I've met some awesome people in the writer world. How wonderful for you!

Brandon Ax said...

Glad your husband is coming home, enjoy that time.

Krista McLaughlin said...

Sounds like a great week! :) I'm sorry your little one was sick, but the cuddles really are nice! I think the best part of my job as an infant teacher is all of the cuddles. We have a 10 month old who has to cuddle when he wakes up from his nap. It's super cute. :)

Patti said...

Yeah, for summer vacation, although I'm slightly dreading mine.

Emily R. King said...

Agent-love and beta-love and having your hubby home? What a great week!